A series of fifteen sculptures in groupings for each of the three courtyards. Three different sculptural forms made of glass reinforced plastic (GRP) and mounted on galvanised ladder-like tripod plinths and combined in groups of five sculptures for each courtyard.

The sculptures range from 4m to 7.5m in height. Each group of five sculptures are finished in a different colour to distinguish the different courtyards and are part of the wayfinding scheme of the hospital. They are be visible from numerous points throughout both the new building and the historic Brunel buildings.

Posted in Art

Silhouette for Nani Marquina

Silhouette is a collection of rugs designed by Jaime Hayon for indoor and outdoor use that highlights the acclaimed casual style of the artist.

Depicted with a delicate stroke, the illustration defines the silhouettes of several imaginary characters that intertwine and coexist in a beautiful composition. Hayón subtly introduces color through small elements brimming with personality that help to interpret each of the images. Nine faces are distributed at different angles so that the rug can be viewed from any perspective, fitting perfectly in any space.

The outdoor proposal is an outdoor hand-tufted rug, developed with 100% recycled PET fiber and produced in India. This combination provides great utility while transferring a sense of well-being that is needed for outdoor spaces.

Pompidou Café

The creative concept behind the new Café space is based on the exploration of colour and shape as a symbol of artistic creativity.

Pavilions of transparent, multi-coloured glass in different geometric shapes fill the new space, alternating areas of private with open spaces.

When seen from different point of views, the colored panels blend into new colors that evoque a magical sensation.

The custom made centipede tables move dynamically into the space, proposing new ways of inhabiting the area. Each table has an integrated lighting system of multi-shaped metal lamp shades made specifically for the table’s arrangement.

A variety of chairs and a selection of different colours are used throughout the space.

The furniture elements playfully interact with the small pavilions, creating a dream like atmosphere in the Café.

Through transparency, colour, geometry and lines, the design of the space blends in harmoniously with the unique character of the Centre Pompidou’s interior architecture.

Built & Maintained by DOMH