Nuevo Nouveau

How to be a meticulous perfectionist while at the same time ensuring that your artworks preserve the spontaneity with which their first sketches were made: that is the intriguing mystery in the identity of Spanish artist and design Jaime Hayon (Madrid, 1974). His track record is surprising in the coherence with which it has evolved. The foundations of what was going to be his professional practice were laid out from the outset over twenty years ago as something that he established in an intuitive, natural way with not an iota of inflexibility. Looking at the work as a whole, one understands that it is founded on solid principles that are still present today: optimism, humour, sensuous organic forms, an explosive colour palette, profuse use of graphic details, visual lightness, a tendency towards figurative representation, interest in flora and fauna, fantasy, cultural references, an interest in craft processes… This cornucopia of ingredients is there in the form of the seed as of his early creations, and if anything they have reaffirmed themselves while flexibly adapting to each precise situation. 

Nuevo Nouveau is Hayon’s most recent exhibition at MAD Brussels, from September 22, 2023 to January 27, 2024.

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