Sammen is the new soft and comfortable dining chair, which is designed by Jaime Hayon. The design is straightforward, open and friendly and has therefore been named Sammen, which is Danish for being together. That is exactly what this design does, as Sammen is designed for a pleasant evening in the company of good friends and family. An evening at the dinner table with good food, good conversations and many treasured moments.
Sammen is instantly likable because it is an honest, modern and simple chair – a comfortable seat that makes you feel relaxed and free to share your thoughts with everyone around the dinner table. This is where we eat, meet, work and discuss life’s events, big and small, spending hours of quality time. Sammen puts you in the right frame of mind – relaxed, at ease and ready to take part in these shared moments. The warm look of the wooden legs and the soft, padded shell that embraces you makes Sammen™ a perfect choice for making your dining room feel like your living room.